What is a Voucher?
The housing choice voucher (HCV) program is the federal government's major program that helps very low-income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities afford decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the private market.
In this program once a family is issued a voucher, the family must find their own housing, including single-family homes, townhouses and apartments. The rental unit must meet minimum standards of health and safety, as determined by Lincoln Housing Authority (LHA), and the owner has to be willing to work with the program.
When a unit is found that meets program requirements, a housing subsidy is paid to the landlord directly by LHA on behalf of the participating family. The family then pays the landlord the difference between the actual rent charged and the amount LHA pays.
More information about the HCV program can be found at HUD Website or you can call LHA at 402-434-5500.
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